Recovery Resources

Online Resources

Resources for Alcoholics who need Social
without Physical Contact

30 Tools to Stay Sober Before, During and After the Holidays

1. Attend as many AA meetings as possible AND participate.

2. Get a Sponsor and work the steps.

3. When tempted, think the drink through and remind yourself WHY you stopped.

4. Practice Gratitude first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

5. Take care of your body, eat right, sleep right, exercise, and drink lots of water.

6. Watch videos about the devastating effects of alcohol and listen to podcasts focused on sobriety.

7. Reach out to others in need with a text, email, voice message.

8. Get a sobriety app to track your days sober and dollars saved.

9. Embrace the cold, shut off the hot water.

10. Become an active part of a recovery community – online or in person – and remember that the difference between Wellness and Illness is WE, not I.

11. Have a way out – Always have a way to leave if you start feeling uncomfortable.

12. Accountability – Bring a sober friend or check-in before and after the event.

13. Keep a cup in your hand when you are attending a party or a family function.

14. Lower your expectations of everyone at the event.

15. No one at the event will be more disappointed if you drink than you.

16. Don’t take anyone’s actions personally.

17. You may even tell them you will not be drinking tonight and for sure ask them to put you on a pot of coffee.

18. If you start getting antsy, start cleaning up, play with the kids, go for a walk, call your sponsor or a friend in recovery.

19. Have a time limit for how long you are staying.

20. It is time to leave when I hear the same story for a second time and at a higher decibel.

21. Prepare for the event – take a nap, have a snack, go to an online meeting –be emotionally, spiritually, and physically ready, or reconsider attending.

22. HALT – Take action when you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired.

23. Take advantage of one or more of the many service opportunities during the holidays.

24. Attend an online meeting at any moment before, during, or after the event and pray for each person attending until the craving passes.

25. Always know when and where your next AA meeting will be before you leave the current meeting and have a backup meeting just in case you need it.

26. Tell the bartenders that you are not drinking alcohol tonight.

27. Don’t do anything out of obligation. We always have a choice.

28. Feelings or thoughts are not facts. They have no value unless we give them value.

29. “No thank you” is a complete sentence.

30. The holiday is no different than any other day.

To Download, click here.


Transitions Daily is an online recovery group that offers a free daily email of popular recovery resources, including; A.A. Thought for the Day, Daily Reflections, Big Book Quote, Just for Today, As Bill Sees It, plus more!

Sign up for Transitions Daily Email


Podcasts are a great way to not only hear stories of experience, strength, and hope, but to stay connected. Some offer topic discussions as well.

Here is a link to our current list of podcasts

Sobriety Apps

AA Meeting Guide

Brought to you by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., Meeting Guide is a free of charge app that provides meeting information from A.A. service entities in an easy-to-access format.

Over 100,000 A.A. meetings are currently listed. The information is refreshed twice daily by relaying meeting information from more than 300 A.A. service entities; area, district, intergroup/central offices, and international General Service Office websites (some of which are listed on (A.A. Near You).

For iPhone;

For Android;

Sober Meditations 

Sober Meditations is a 100% FREE app and is a resource of contemplative alcohol recovery meditations. Sober Meditations are recorded by recovering alcoholics who share their experience in a contemplative meditation format, one thought at a time.

For iPhone;

For Android;

10 Best Apps For Alcohol Addiction Recovery 

9 Best Alcoholics Anonymous Apps for Android & iOS

Online Meetings

24 Hour new Zealand Marathon Meeting

24 Hour U.S. based Marathon AA Meeting

Transitions Daily hosts an online AA meeting every night at 9 PM Eastern called the 4th Dimensioners. The direct link is or There is no password but you must log in to a free account for authentication before entering the meeting.

Google Drive from this meeting; 

This link also has lots of AA study pdf’s and study notes from prior meetings when we read the first 164 pages of the Big Book through and other AA literature.

Our Google Drive has the following files;

Online Meeting pdf with tons of online meetings

Additional Resources List

Step notes Steps 1-12

Resentment – Freedom from Bondage Notes BB P. 544-552

Acceptance is the Answer Notes Notes BB P. 407-420

Professor and Paradox Notes

Tools and Morning Prayers

Zoom Bombing Defense pdf

Meeting flyer in both pdf and jpg

Other Online Resources

Facebook Recovery Groups starting with Transitions Daily.

If you are in need of more Facebook recovery groups and are a member of one already, post that you are looking for other groups to join too.

Check events for scheduled meetings in your recovery Facebook groups

List of recovery phone apps;

Private Facebook Group called ZoomAAMeetings 23,000 members and multiple Zoom meetings.

Contact your group GSR. Many districts are setting up zoom meetings for local attendance with the point person being the group GSR (General Service Representative).

Facebook Messenger video chat for one on one meetings

Free Zoom account for meeting with Sponsees or your sponsor for up to 40 Minutes free.

Skype is another free program for face to face meetings.

Slack App was also suggested for video chat.

Reading Materials

Read the Big Book;

Read the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions;

Free access to the AA Grapevine during the pandemic.

AA Literature and Brochures

Shared Google Calendars

Daily Thought – This is a Google Calendar that provides a combination of thoughts, one per day. A mix of recovery quotes from AA, Christian, A Course in Miracles, and Taoist text.
A Course in Miracles – Daily thoughts from the 365 Day Course in Miracles Calendar. Check the notes in each event for a longer description.