My Interpretation of the Twelve Steps

I feel inadequate writing a version of the Twelve Steps. It was suggested that by writing an interpretation of the Twelve Steps, I could better demonstrate how studying the Tao Te Ching has changed how recovery works in my life. It may appear that I have taken “God” out of the steps. I see a Power greater than myself in every step! I tell newcomers, “have an open mind, and your Higher Power will show up when you let go and surrender.” Many thanks to Amy S., Craig M, Justin M., Scotty M., and many more for their input!

1. We admit the misery we experience by living life our way. Alcohol controls us, and we do not know what to do about it.

2. What we resist persists. We begin to see when we stop resisting, we find strength that is not our  own. We see this working in the lives of others, which gives us hope that it will work for us too.

3. We want the same relief in the rest of our lives that we are beginning to discover for our alcoholism.

4. Through honest reflection, we make a list of our character traits as we perceive them in this moment. This includes not only our positive traits, but also our fears, resentments, harms done to others, and how we have been harmed – both real and imagined. We write down everything, whether we plan to share it all with someone or not.

5. By writing our 4th step list, we can admit to our innermost self some truths that we may have never faced before, and we share this list with another person.

6. We are ready to surrender to our character traits that do not produce love in our lives.

7. We open our hearts to allow the natural changes in our lives that occur when we let love have its way.

8. We make a list of all persons we have harmed, whether we are willing to make an amend or not. We ask to become willing to follow through. 

9. We make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.

10. When we notice selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, or fear, we choose to be open to love instead.

11. We seek to improve our conscious contact with what is, becoming willing to surrender more of our lives every day.

12. As we experience an ongoing spiritual awakening due to the daily practice of these steps, we carry the message of surrender to whoever appears in our path; we allow love to saturate more of our activities every day.