For me, the meaning of the “God” word continues to evolve. At this time, substituting Love for God inwardly resonates. Love is always the action that brings freedom! In some verses, I acknowledge a presence that appears separate from myself. When doing so, I am directing Gratitude to What Is, in this present moment, which is the best way I know, for now, of describing the collective consciousness or God as I understand God.

I struggled for a long time to allow others the freedom to have a different view of the Higher Power. I would often bristle with inner contempt when someone voiced an opinion of the Higher Power that I thought ridiculous. One day I realized that everyone has their unique spiritual language or “God language,” if you prefer. Much like someone born where they spoke a different physical language, they are not wrong; it is just their native tounge. I started approaching others’ beliefs the same way. I can now say the Lord’s Prayer at the end of a meeting and share a common language without judgment.

I also surrender to the difficulty rather than believing God will help me fight my addiction or problem. When I stop fighting, lay down my weapons, and look for a way to help someone with their hardship, my issues lose their strength.

Click below to download A.A.’s pamphlet, The “God” Word.
The “God” Word